Non-government schools do not need to register for the Premier's Reading Challenge. New non-government schools are added to the PRC site after a school has administered a NAPLAN exam.  

There are two key differences in managing the PRC as a non-government school compared to a public school: Principals must create DoE accounts for school coordinators, and coordinators are responsible for managing student accounts, including uploading new students. 


Non-government coordinator account creation 

The school principal (or their delegate) is responsible for managing the DoE accounts at your school using the Staff Management Utility (SMU) and Access Management Utility (AMU) applications available in the DoE staff portal.

Principals (or their delegate) will need to: 

-Create or re-activate DoE accounts for staff acting as coordinators at a school

-Grant these DoE accounts PRC coordinator status 

-Reactivate the DoE accounts of staff every 12 months 

-Remove access for any staff who have left the school

Principals can refer to the Principal (or delegate) tasks for non-government schools for a comprehensive guide on these tasks. 

Please contact your principal to create a DoE account for you on the SMU system. Once they have set you up on SMU, they will then need to tick your name in the AMU system to grant you PRC Coordinator access. 

If your principal does not have a DoE account,  please have them directly contact us at so that we can set up an account for them. Non-government DoE accounts require a full name, date of birth and email address to set up. After this, they will then be able to take on their duties with managing the DoE accounts at your school.

Please note: Principal approval is required to become the PRC coordinator at a school.  It is recommended that schools have at least two coordinators in case of unexpected leave occurring during key times of the Challenge. 


Getting started coordinating the PRC 

Before proceeding, we strongly recommend all coordinators familiarise themselves with the rules of the NSWPRC and the resources available for PRC coordinators. A PDF term-by-term guide can also be found on the Tips and Teaching notes page.

Please note: Coordinators have limited access to the PRC site when the Challenge is closed. Coordinators are unable to create new student accounts or view students' Challenge history until the PRC opens. 

Once the Challenge is open, PRC Coordinators can log into the PRC website to: 

PRC Coordinators can also use the PowerPoint, newsletter and Canva templates on the Tips and Teaching notes page to teach students about the Challenge, communicate with the school community, and celebrate students as they complete the PRC.

We recommend adding the following dates to your calendar:

  • Challenge opens to students and coordinators: 24 February 2025
  • Deadline for 3-10 Challenge Challenge  31 July 2025
  • Challenge closes to student entries: 22 August 2025
  • Challenge closes to coordinators: 5 September 2025

The PRC coordinator at each school is also responsible for