Managing Non-government Coordinator Accounts

Help for non-government school principals with their Department of Education (DoE) account
Non-government school principals need to have a DoE account to be able to access the DoE Staff Portal.  This is the same account that is used to access the ...
Thu, 26 Sep, 2024 at 1:45 PM
How do I create a DoE account for a staff member at my school?
Thu, 15 Feb, 2024 at 2:18 PM
How can I check if a staff member already has a DoE account at my school?
Non-gov school principals (or their delegates) are able to check if a staff member has a DoE account. log in to the DoE Extranet click on the S...
Thu, 22 Oct, 2015 at 12:28 PM
How can I find out what the username is for the PRC coordinator?
Non-gov school principals (or their delegates) are able to use SMU to find a staff member's DoE account username. Log in to the Extranet ...
Tue, 3 Nov, 2015 at 1:22 PM
How do I reactivate an existing DoE account for a staff member at my school?
Non-gov school principals (or their delegates) are able to re-activate a staff member's DoE account once the expiry date has passed. log in to the DoE...
Fri, 15 Mar, 2024 at 12:55 PM
Principal (or delegate) tasks for non-government schools
Thu, 6 Jun, 2024 at 3:22 PM