Non-gov school principals (or their delegates) are able to check if a staff member has a DoE account.
- log in to the DoE Extranet
- click on the SMU icon (if you can not see the SMU icon, please contact the PRC team)
- click on Staff Management > Non Gov - Search/Update
- in the Non Gov Staff Search page enter the 'Name - Last' and 'Name - First' fields and click search
Search tips
- you can search for all staff accounts at your school by leaving the 'Name - Last' and 'Name - First' fields blank
- if you have access to more than one school, check to make sure you have the correct school selected in the 'location' drop down
- you can use the 'Starts with' and 'Equals' drop down menus to further refine your search
- in the search results, the 'Status' column indicates whether the account is active (A) or inactive (I)
If the staff member is listed in the search results, you can click on their name in the search results to manage their DoE account.