Once you've validated your students' reading records, there's nothing you need to do until certificates are ready to be downloaded and printed in November. You'll receive an email when certificates are ready to download. 

You may find it useful to perform the following tasks: 
1. Double check for any students who may be close to finishing the challenge by running the Reading Records Not Validated report  
2. Run the SRR count report to determine if any students are eligible for Gold and Platinum certificates this year

3. Check your students' names are appearing correctly in the PRC website, as these names are what will appear on a student's certificate. The process of updating a student's name varies depending which education system you are in. 

For public schools, student names  are updated in ERN. Please refer to this guide: A student's name is appearing incorrectly in the PRC website

For non-government schools, coordinators are able to update a students' name in the PRC website: Can I change a student's DET user ID or name in the PRC website?

Thank you for all your work as a PRC coordinator this year!