Non-gov school principals (or their delegates) are able to re-activate a staff member's DoE account once the expiry date has passed.

  • log in to the DoE Extranet
  • click on the SMU icon (if you can not see the SMU icon, please contact the PRC team)

  • search for the user's account using Staff Management > Non Gov - Search/Update

  • click on their DoE User ID in the search results, this will open the Modify Non Gov Staff Member screen
  • to re-activate the account, update the 'Expiry Date'
    • ensure the new Expiry Date is no more than 12 months in the future
    • ensure the new Expiry Date does not fall during the school holidays
  • check the email address and phone number details are correct - update them if required
  • click on the Update button

Clicking the Update button triggers two emails to be sent
  • one to the user asking them to activate their account
  • one to the supervisor notifying them of the account details

Once you have re-activated an account, check that the staff member has access to the PRC website.