There are two common error messages that both student and coordinator accounts report seeing:
Error message 1: No security info found for this servlet. Authentication problem: Problem in Authentication:
This error message occurs when your browser's cache recognises a previous password was once used to access this sitefrom another PRC user. It also occurs when users navigate directly to the PRC site rather than logging in through the DoE portal.
Resolution: No action required. This error message doesn't prevent users from logging into the PRC site. Check your username appears in the top of the page (to the left of the worm icon) and the Student Reading Records option appears in the left hand menu bar. If these options appear, you have successfully logged into the PRC site.
Error message 2: You do not have the correct authorisation to access the Premier's Reading Challenge. If you would like to be a PRC Coordinator please follow the steps outlined in the Online Help.
If you have been granted coordinator access in AMU, this error message is caused by your browser's cashing picking up another user's login details for a DoE or PRC account. This usually affects users with multiple family members participating in the PRC and using the same device.
Solution: You can access the PRC site using your PRC login by either opening a private browsing session or clearing your browser's cache, then asking the Microsoft prompt to not keep you signed in.
To enter private browsing mode: While inside your Chrome or Edge browser window, use CTRL + SHIFT + N, or click on the three dots in the top right hand corner of the window. Navigate to the PRC site and login with your username and password. Note: unless you clear your browser cache, you'll need to do this every time you access the NSW PRC site.
To clear your browser cache and and stop Microsoft from signing you in: Instructions on how to do this are specific to each browser. Instructions for Chrome can be found here:
After clearing your browser cache, sign into the PRC site again.
Enter your login details as usual on this page:
When you see the prompt below, select don't show this again and click no. This will allow multiple users to access the PRC site on the same browser without locking the account into one user.
Please note - clearing your browser cache will remove saved login details from other sites.